Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Real Jawaharlal Nehru
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Dharma v/s Religion : a Comparative Understanding
Dharma v/s Religion : a Comparative Understanding
"Religion" Is Not the Same Thing as "Dharma"
Religion can be founded by any individual on the basis of an arbitrary set of dogmas that the founder picks. Then, the founder becomes the prophet for that religion and the dogmas, or a set of rules to go by, form his religion.
Religion, therefore, has no required pre-condition that it must be based on some high human ideals or great principles of humanity.
Dharma, on the other hand, is the manifestation of natural laws that govern the universe and all its creation. Thus, Dharma can never be formed by an individual; it only continues evolving over a period of time through the collective wisdom of generations before. The basis of Dharma, always, is truth and righteousness.
Comparing the Only Well-known Dharma with Two Leading Religions
One of the best ways to understand in what ways "Dharma" differs from "Religion" is by examining the preaching and the practice of the only well-known Dharma on one hand and the two leading religions of world on the other.
(think of Hindu as the prominent Dharma with many of its offshoots)
(think of Islam and Christianity as the leading religions, together with their various denominations)
▪Dharma promotes love and compassion
▪Religion, frequently, promotes hostility and intolerance. It is devoid of compassion (Dayā).
▪Dharma is peaceful in temper
▪Religion is aggressive and violent by nature. It has fanatic intolerance of Dharma.
▪Dharma cares for the entire humanity
▪Religion has a long, blood-soaked history of slaughtering millions of innocent people
▪Dharma is kind to everybody
▪Religion usually promotes imperialist ideology for dominating and controlling innocent beings.
▪Dharma is humane in nature. Compassion is an integral part of Dharma. (e.g. Daya-dhrma-ka-mool-hai, Pap-mool-abhiman)
▪Religion is anti-human and persecutory to mankind. It indulges in the exploitation of the conquered people.
▪Dharma has reverence for life, plants, nature
▪Religion resorts to destruction and vandalism. It revels in the slaughter and genocide of innocent.
▪Dharma is the product of tranquil and purified heart.
▪Religion is born out of a prejudiced, self-centered, self-righteous mind mixed with bigotry and fanaticism.
▪Dharma is based on spiritualism.
▪Religion is based on crass materialism.
▪Dharma is open for discussion; alternative views are entertained in it. It even encourages expression of differing opinions or belief systems.
▪Religion has closed ideology or no ideology. It destroys the freedom of thought and expression by sustained, systematic and ruthless attacks.
▪In Dharma the reason, philosophy and psychology play greater role.
▪Religious beliefs have neither rationality nor spirituality.
▪Dharma respects everyone.
▪Religious people are often arrogant and consider themselves as superior and always right.
▪Dharma is kind and free from limiting qualities like desire, aversion, and ego.
▪Religion turns people angry, jealous, violent, egoistic, vindictive, cruel, revengeful, unjust, bellicose.
▪Dharma speaks of truths, philosophy of peace.
▪Religion cannot tolerate truth; it hates peace.
▪Dharma is based on the ancient, original thinking.
▪Religion is bitterly opposed to the ancient original values.
▪Dharma accepts many paths; it has pluralistic approach.
▪Religion likes only the approach that is monolithic, dramatic and spectacular.
▪Dharma prefers calm and detached, unhurried, relaxed expositional approach.
▪Religion is always into exhortations and admonitions. It aggressively urges, reproves, commands, warns and enforces.
▪Dharma follows the great truth of spirituality
▪Religion lacks in spirituality. It relies on conquests and propaganda.
From the above discussion it is abundantly clear that the use of term "religion" for Hindu Dharma is factually incorrect, absolutely unfair, and completely misleading.
On the other hand, an objective scrutiny of theology and conduct of the two major world religions (principally, Islam and Christianity) over the last several hundred years reveals that these seemingly respectable entities, in reality, are simply the modern version of pure and simple "Adharma." They, actually, are ‘the wolves hiding in the sheep’s clothes.
It is an Utter Injustice to Equate Petty Religions with the Universal Dharma!
Treating those Adharma-based petty religions at par with the universal Dharma and according them the same degree of acceptability and respectability as our own native Sanatan Dharma is absolutely unjustified and the greatest fraud on humanity.
The only treatment prescribed for Adharma in our scriptures is to eradicate it, or to bring it to an end: ‘Dharma-ki-jai Adharma-ka-naash’. In Geeta too, Krishna unambiguously asks Arjuna to kill even the own kith and kin when they take the side of Adharma.
Unfortunately in India, the country’s Hindu political leadership from the Congress party to the Left to the BJP, and everyone else in between are all unanimous on misleading the Indian public about the true nature and the real agenda of major religions amongst us.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The scientific dating of the Mahabharat war
As per the above research, here are some important dates, dating back to more that 5000 years BC.
Going to forest 4th Sept. 5574 BC
Kitmeet Killed 7th Sept. 5574 BC
Going underground 19th May 5562 BC
Keechak killed 1st April 5561 BC
Anukeechak-Massacre 2nd April 5561 BC
End of secret life 9th April 5561 BC
Cows stolen 15th April 5561 BC
Arjuna exposed 16th April 5561 BC
All pandavas exposed 19th April 5561 BC
Marriage of Uttara 4th May.
& Abhimanyu.
Krishna set out for a treaty. 27th Sept.
Stay at Upaplavya 27th Sept.
Stay at Vrukshthala 28th Sept.
Dinner to Brahmins 29th Sept.
Entry into Hastinapur 30th Sept.
Krishna meets Kunti etc. 1st Oct.
Invited for meeting 2nd Oct.
First meeting 3rd Oct.
Second meeting and an attempt 4th Oct.
to arrest Krishna.
Third meeting Vishvaroopa 7th Oct.
Stay at Kunti 8th Oct.
Krishna meets Karna. War 9th Oct.
Krishna returns 9th Oct.
Pandavas preparation 11th Oct.
Balaram's visit.
Mahabharat war started 16th Oct.
Abhimanyu killed 28th Oct. 5561 BC.
End of War 2nd November 5561 B.C.
Yudhishthira crowned 16th Nov. 5551 BC.
Bhishma expired 22nd Dec. 5561 BC
Pandava campaign 15th Jan. 5560 BC
for wealth
Parikshita born 28th Jan. 5560 BC
Pandavas return 25th Feb. 5560 BC
Ashvamedh Deeksha. 1st March 5560 BC
Return of Arjuna Horse 15th Jan. 5560 BC
Ashvamedh yajna 22nd Feb. 5559 BC
Dhrutarashtra went to forest 18th Aug. 5545 BC
Pandavas visited Kunti 18th Aug. 5543 BC
Vidura expired
Death of Kunti, Dhrutarashtra, Sept./Oct. 5541 BC
and Gandhari
Yadava Massacre 5525 B.C.
Parikshit Dead 5499 B.C.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Are Hindus Cowards?
1. There are nearly 52 Muslim countries. Show one Muslim country which provides Haj subsidy.
2. Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India?
3. Show one Muslim country which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
4. Show one country where the 82% majority craves for the indulgence of the 18% minority.
5. Show one Mullah or Maulvi who has declared a `fatwa' against terrorists.
6. Hindu-majority Maharashtra, Bihar, Kerala, Pondicherry, etc. have in the past elected Muslims as CMs; Can you ever imagine a Hindu becoming the CM of Muslim- majority J&K or Christian-dominated Nagaland/Mizoram?
7. Today Hindus are 85%. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and Madrassas are thriving? How come Muslims are offering Namaz on the road? How come Muslims are proclaiming 5 times a day on loudspeakers that there is no God except Allah?
8. When Hindus gave to Muslims 30% of Bharat for a song, why should Hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi?
9. Why temple funds are spent for the welfare of Muslims and Christians, when they are free to spend their money in any way they like?
10. When uniform is made compulsory for school children, why there is no Uniform Civil Code for citizens?
11. In what way, J&K is different from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu or Uttar Pradesh, to have Article 370?
12. Why Gandhiji supported Khilafat movement (nothing to do with our freedom movement) and what in turn he got?
13. Why Gandhiji objected to the decision of the cabinet and insisted that Somnath Temple should be reconstructed out of public funds, not government funds, when in January 1948 he pressurised Nehru and Patel to carry on renovation of the mosques of Delhi at government expenses?
14. If Muslims & Christians are minorities in Maharashtra, UP, Bihar, etc., are Hindus not minorities in J&K, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, etc?. Why are Hindus denied minority rights in these States?
15. Do you admit that Hindus do have problems that need to be recognized. Or do you think that those who call themselves Hindus are themselves the problem?
16. Why post-Godhra is blown out of proportion, when no- one talks of the ethnic cleansing of 4 lakh Hindus from Kashmir?
17. In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights?
18. In contrast, in India, Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to about 14% today; whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to 81.5% in 2001. Does any politician have the guts to ask Muslims to go for family planning?
19. Do you consider that - Sanskrit is communal and Urdu is secular, Mandir is communal and Masjid is secular, Sadhu is communal and Imam is secular, BJP is communal and Muslim League is secular, Dr. Praveen Thogadiya is anti-national and Bhukari is national, Vande Matharam is communal and Allah-O-Akbar is secular, Shriman is communal and Mian is secular, Hinduism is communal and Islam is secular, Hindutva is communal and Jihadism is secular, and at last, Bharat is communal and Italy is secular?
20. When Christian and Muslim schools can teach Bible and Quran, why Hindus cannot teach Gita or Ramayan?
21. Abdul Rehman Antuley was made a trustee of the famous Siddhi Vinayak Temple in Prabhadevi, Mumbai. Can a Hindu - say Mulayam or Laloo - ever become a trustee of a Masjid or Madrassa?
22. Dr. Praveenbhai Thogadiya has been arrested many times on flimsy grounds. Has the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, Delhi, Ahmed Bukhari been arrested for claiming to be an ISI agent and advocating partition of Bharat?
23. When Haj pilgrims are given subsidy, why Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath, Sabarimalai & Kailash Mansarover are taxed?
24. In 2003-2004 - A Muslim President, a Hindu Prime Minister and a Christian Defence Minister, running the affairs of the country, with a unity of purpose. Can this happen any where except in a Hindu Nation - Bharat?
25. In Kerala, MLAs, MPs & Ministers take oath in the name of Allah and Infant Jesus, which is against the Constitution. Can a Hindu take oath in the name of Ram or Krishna?
26. Arabic language is promoted in India at Govt. expenses. but not Sanskrit? Is Arabic more national than Sanskrit?
27. IMTD act in Assam gives legal rights to Bangladeshi Muslims to settle and become Indian citizen, whereas Indians cannot settle in Jammu & Kashmir. Why this double standard?
28. J&K with about 1 crore population has been provided with aid worth Rs.24,000 crores, i.e. Rs.24,000/- per head, whereas in other states the per head aid is less than 5% of this amount. Is this not a reward for anti- nationalism?
29. If painting is un-Islamic, why there is no Fatwa issued against MF Hussain? If he still persists with painting, is he not doing an un-Islamic act?
30. If music, singing and dancing are un-Islamic (because Islam is a serious religion), why no Fatwa is issued against the many Khans in the cinefield. What will they give up - Islam or Acting?
31. Do you think that India will remain secular and democratic if Muslims become majority?
32. When Deepavali & Janmashtami are celebrated at White House, House of Commons, Australian Parliament, etc. why are they not celebrated in Indian parliament? Are we more secular than USA, UK & Australia?
33. If the communal riots is due to RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc. why there are riots in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Chechhnya, China, Russia, UK, France, Spain, Cyprus, etc. - where there is no RSS/VHP.
34. If Islam is a religion of peace, why Quran-reading and Gun-wielding is taught in tandem?
35. How do you explain the Muslim psyche : Enjoying the freedom in a democratic country like India, USA, UK, France, etc. and still trying to make it an Islamic nation, where they lose all freedom.
36. A former President, two former PMs, Sadhus and Sants have demonstrated against the arrest of Kanchi Shankaracharya, but the media says there is absolutely no protest. Do you think violence is the only yardstick to measure people's agony?
37. When Quran does not believe in negotiation (it believes only in defeating Kafirs in a war), do you think that the Ayodhya problem will be solved by negotiation?
38. Do you trust that Islam and Christianity believe in Sarva Dharma Samabhav? If yes, why do they believe in conversion.
39. Don't you believe that Islam and Christianity are political ideologies, out to grab nations. They - through their Mullahs and Fathers - achieve what Army, Navy and Air Force cannot, by converting locals and destroying their culture.
40. Ishwar Allah tere naam - Can you show me one Muslim who has agreed to this?
41. Don't you think that `Secular Muslim' is a misnomer? A person can either be Secular or a Muslim, and not both? A Muslim (who believes in the only God, Allah) cannot be secular (believing in many Gods).
42. UN Charter says that minority means less than 10% of the population. How can Muslims, who are nearly 14% in India be called a minority?
43. Do you believe that Communists love our country, when they refuse to admit that China was the aggressor in 1962?
44. Do you agree with the thesis of Communists that India is a State of different nations, like the former USSR, (and not a Nation of different states) and therefore is bound to break up?
45. How come a Muslim family peacefully lives in a predominantly Hindu locality, whereas a Hindu family is not able to do so in a Muslim locality?
46. Why Hindu dominated Bharat is secular for ages and Muslim dominated countries are only Islamic with no powers to minorities?
47. Why Christian Missionaries do not go to Muslim- dominated areas and start their social service there? Is it because they will not get sufficient return to their `investment'?
48. Are you aware that India is the only country which openly invites infiltrators from Bangladesh. Bihar, UP and West Bengal Govts. provide them with immediate ration cards and make them voters.
49. Riots take place mostly after the Friday prayers (e.g. Marad, Kerala). Is it not because of the fiery sermons of the Imams?
50. All Hindu-majority regions are peaceful. But all Hindu- minority regions have become problematic - like J&K, North Eastern parts, etc. Can you explain why?
51. A MLA, C.P. Shaji, said in Kerala Assembly that "the hands that touches even a syllable of the Shariat will be chopped off then and there" (Mathrubhumi, July 3, 1985). Do you concur with this?
52. Do you agree that the policies of all political parties are contradictory to the aim of uniting all sections of the people by a stream of thought?
53. Are you aware that illegal Muslim immigrants have become a deciding factor in the election of nearly 25 Lok Sabha and 120 MLA seats in India? - And they are voting for a particular party lump sum - Congress, RJD, SP, ML or Communists - whichever is likely to form the Govt.?
54. Are you aware that according to KPS Gill some of the NGOs or even media organisations were actually front offices for terrorist groups? He says there is a nexus between some of the terrorist outfits parading as NGOs and human rights group.
55. Are you aware that the so-called secular Maulana Wahiduddin, when asked to pray for the Indian soldiers fighting at Kargil, refused, under the pretext that he cannot pray for people who are fighting the Muslims? (Sonia and Priyanka attended his funeral later).
56. A Pakistani becomes Indian when he marries a Muslim girl from J&K. But when the same girl marries a Hindu from any part of India, he does not become a J&K citizen, but on the contrary, she loses her J&K citizenship. What kind of law is this?
57. In the Ayodhya case, the Supreme Court questioned the locus standi of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. But the SC did not question the locus standi of the Babri Masjid Action Committee or the All India Muslim Personal Law Board. Is this not double standard on the part of SC?
58. In the Ayodhya dispute, you say that Hindus must abide by law. Do you know how many times the constitution has been amended to overturn verdicts of the High Courts and Supreme Court? - Shah Bano, unseating of Indira Gandhi, etc.
59. When you are asking for the resignation of CMs like Narendra Modi, Uma Bharti, etc. on trivial grounds, why are you not demanding the resignation of the CM of J&K, where thousands of security personnel have been killed by terrorists? - where nearly 4 lakhs Hindus have been ethnic cleansed.
60. The UP govt. confessed that it cannot abide by Supreme Court judgement of 1986 on the Varanasi burial ground dispute between Sunni and Shia Muslims. The Karnataka Govt. refused to abide by the SC's order on the Cauvery water dispute. Is this respecting court judgement?
61. When one Graham Staines is killed, the English press goes overboard in condemning his killers. But when 58 Hindus, including 30 women and children, were burnt aline in Sabarmati Express, they kept silent. The victims are depicted as the villain. Is this responsible journalism?
62. Farooq Abdullah, former CM of J&K who has married a Christian, rejoiced at the marriage of his son Umar with a Hindu girl. But when his daughter married a Hindu boy, he disowned her. Is he the icon of secularism?
63. Have you ever visited a Muslim ghetto? If not please make it a point to have a Darshan Yatra of place like Mumbra (near Mumbai) or Mallapuram in Kerala. If you are a real secularist, you will really `feel good'.
64. When Islam and Secularism/democracy have nothing in common, why Hindus are made to watch this ugly dance in their stupor?
65. According to law, human organs cannot be an election symbol of any party. Then how come `Hand' symbol is allotted to Congress. Is it not against the law?
66. Delhi Imam Syed Bhukari declared that Taliban is the ideal for all Muslims and Osama Bin Laden is the hero? Do you consider him a secular icon?
67. Delhi Imam Syed Bhukari is rearing a Black Buck in his courtyard, which is against law. The Delhi police team which went there to arrest him, came back calmly. Is he above law?
68. If Muslims do not want common civil code, will they clamour for the Quaranic code of criminal justice? - eye for eye, leg for leg, hand for hand, etc.
69. In J&K, about 2 lakh Hindu adults are voters for the parliamentary elections, but not for the assembly. Why?
70. The duration of the J&K assembly is six years and not 5 years as in other states. Why?
71. Do you support the building of a Memorial for Afzal Khan, who plotted to kill Chatrapati Shivaji, in Pratapgarh (Maharashtra)?
72. Do you support the building of a Masjid for Babar, a looter and invader, at Ayodhya?
73. Do you consider that celebrating Valentine (Lovers) Day on 14th Feb. is in tune with our culture? - when exactly after 9 months, i.e. on 14th Nov. you celebrate Children's day.
74. What is so special about Nehru liking children? Children are liked by one and all. Is it not absurd to celebrate his birth day as Children's' Day? The real Children's' Day should be Gokulashtami - Yes Lord Krishna. along with his colleagues did all the antics of a child.
75. Hindu girls are molested and gangraped in Bangladesh. Temples are burnt or destroyed almost every day. Why none of our secularists and Human Rights Activists raise their voice for Hindus in Bangladesh. Are Human Rights only for Muslims?
76. Are you aware that Islam does not believe in nationalism and national boundaries. It wants to bring the whole world under Islam - from Darul Harab to Darul Islam?
77. A 65 years old Muslim has remarried his first-divorced wife for the 54th time. What could have happened to the other 50+ wives he divorced. What type of society it would be, can you just imagine? Do you want this type of society in India?
78. Why Muslims go after building Masjids and Madrassas, and not schools and colleges? Do you think Madrassas churn out Scientists and Engineers?
79. Mohurram processions are being taken out in Hindu majority areas. But Hindu religious processions are not allowed through Muslim localities. Why? Does this not perpetuate the communal divide?
80. Is a Dist. Magistrate/Police Commissioner justified in treating a particular area in our country as alien territory (by not allowing Hindu processions there)? Is he not violating our constitution? Is he not abetting communal divide?
81. In six states - J&K, Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland - where Hindus are minorities, they do not have minority rights. But others who are in majority still enjoy minority rights there? Is this not ridiculous?
82. In which Islamic States are Hindus extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India? Likewise, in which Christian State, the Christian majority accorded Hindus the special rights that India accords the Christians?
83. Do you know that Mother Teresa projected a negative image of India - of dying without dignity - to make money. Did she ever attempt to counter-balance this image?
84. Do you think that Nehru family is the only family which fought for freedom or there were other freedom fighters too? - like Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Madan Lal Dingra, Vaanchinathan, Chapekar Brothers, Veer Savarkar, Raj Guru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Udam Singh, etc.
85. There are some pockets in Godhra where Sales Tax/ Income Tax/Electricity Personnel cannot enter. Even policemen do not tread, unless in huge numbers. This is not the case where Hindus are in majority. Can you explain the reason?
86. In support of Ishrat Jahan, the lovely terrorist from Mumbra shot dead by the Ahmedabad police, the whole locality observed a Bandh and every one participated in her funeral. If this is not supporting terrorism, what it is?
87. China is still showing Arunachal Pradesh as its territory. Will you please ask a Communist to condemn this? He will not. For Left outfits, Communist camaraderie comes before the interest of the nation. Are Communists nationalists?
88. "The list of those I want to kill is very long, but I will shoot Modi if I am given a pistol" said Vijay Tendulkar. Do you consider him a Human Rights Activist or a terrorist?
89. In Mallapuram (Kerala), a doctor found that 3 generations of Muslim women - daughter-13, mother- 26 and grandmother-39 - all pregnant being admitted for delivery. Do you still think that family planning is unnecessary for Muslims?
90. Lalu Prasad Yadav gave a resounding slap on the face of judiciary by derisively and openly notifying his palatial house as Jail. Do you still feel all are equal before law?
91. The author of Ramanayan, Rishi Valmiki, was a bandit. Same way, the author of Mahabharat, Veda Vyas, was a fisherman. Both the epics and the authors are revered by all Hindus. Do you still think that Hinduism supports casteism?
92. In 2002, the Karnataka Govt.'s revenue from temples was Rs.72 crores. Out of this, 50 crores were given to Madrassas, 10 crores to Churches and only 10 crores to Temples. Why Hindus should pay for development of Madrassas (terrorist factories) and Churches?
93. When Taliban demolished the Buddha statue in Afghanistan, Times of India wrote that it was in reaction to the demolition of Babri mosque. Do you agree to this justification by TOI? Is tit-for-tat OK? Then why do you criticize Gujarat riots in reaction to Godhra carnage?
94. "Genocide" "Holocaust" are the words used by the media for the riots in Gujarat. But do you know that Jews and Parsis were never persecuted and lived and prospered in total freedom in India?
95. In Pondicherry a Muslim was denied burial because he constructed a temple for Lord Muruga. Do you still think "Religions do not teach to hate one another"?
96. Why Mother Teresa did not stay in her native country, Albenia, and help poor there? Why Greham Staines did not stay in Australia and help needy people there? Why Sonia Gandhi selects India, and not Italy, for her service to the poor? Why do you want imported leaders - like imported religion and imported products? Is India a land for all and sundry?
97. Are you aware that illegal immigrants from Bangladesh are settled in an area where Hindu candidates win by a narrow margin, so as to change the trend in the next election?
98. In 1989 election manifesto of Congress, Rajiv Gandhi declared that if the people of Mizoram voted the Congress to power, it would run the govt. on the basis of teachings of Bible. If this is not communalism, what it is?
99. Shaikh-al-Sayeed Yusuf Sayed Hashim al Rifai of Kuwait, the chairman of the World Muslim Minority Community, was allowed to land in Kerala without visa. He was not only not arrested but was given royal treatment as a guest of the govt. of Kerala and was provided with govt. cars to enable him to carry on conversion. Is this promoting nationalism?
100. If a Muslim in Britain or USA (secular countries) cannot marry more than one woman, why should he be allowed in India to marry more?
101. The Pope was invited to visit India, but the King of Nepal, Mahendra, was not allowed to participate in the Makar Sankaranti function at Nagpur in 1965? Is this secularism?
102. In the Hindu Code Bill, a Hindu is defined as not being a Muslim, Christian, or Parsi. It is an inclusive and unifying definition - to include all others - Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, etc. Then how come our present- day politicians have fragmented the Hindu society, can you ponder?
103. Tipu Sultan wanted to Islamise the entire south India. He was prevented from doing so by the British, as British wanted to rule them. So he had to fight the British first. Is he a Indian freedom fighter? If yes, are Babar, Aurangazeb, Afzal Khan, Gazhni, etc. too?
104. An English daily published Sonia Gandhi's speech on Hinduism under the column of spiritualism! Is this not ridiculous, and insulting Hinduism too? Have our presspersons become intellectually bankrupt?
105. Ashoka and Kanishka ruled Afghanistan. Khandari, mother of Duryodhana, came from Khandar, now in Afghanistan. Do you believe that Afghanistan was once an integral part of India?
106. Our Sanatan Dharm was time immemorial. But still Bharatvarsh was continually partitioned - Iran, Afghanistan, Burma, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. Today Kashmir is with India not because of Sanatan Dharma but because of our security forces. Do you agree that for dismembering Bharat, one has to target our Sanatan Dharm.
107. The Baptist Church in Tripura was set up by missionaries from New Zealand 60 years ago. Do you think the Church will promote nationalism?
108. Students in Pakistan are taught from the very beginning that Hindus are our enemies, that Hindus can never be our friends and that Kafirs (Hindus) are to be killed. Do you still think that friendship is possible with Pakistan?
109. The defence establishment of secular America observes Church services for Good Friday, a pure religious ritual, and deliberately asks evangelists to address security personnel. Can you imagine the Indian Army or Navy or Air Force doing a puja and inviting a Shankaracharya to address them?
110. Pakistan is an Islamic country. But for a by-pass surgery or cancer operation, they come to India. How come a country, which has developed nuclear weapon, did not develop good hospitals and world class doctors? Does this mean that Pakistanis are only trigger happy, at the cost of development and health services?
111. Communist leader Stalin's daughter, Swetlana, wished to marry Dinesh Singh's brother and settle in India. Our Communists and Indira Gandhi opposed this. How do they now support an Italian lady?
112. When Yoga has become a multimillion dollar industry in USA, why our govt. is blind to this human- development technology? Is it because it is a part of Hindu culture?
113. In a Pooja, the `sankalpa' begins with "Bharata varshe, Bharata kande ...". What are they? Do you still think that spiritualism and nationalism are different or are they the two eyes of the nation?
114. Spiritualism and nationalism are inseparable in Bharat. Don't you think that without spiritualism Bharat will be like a body without soul?
115. Why should practising my religion or wearing my religious symbol hurt the feelings of other religionists, when their practising their religion or wearing their religious symbol does not hurt me at all? If this is not religious hatred, what else is?
116. Is it not true that from 1920, the Britishers, knowing that their rule is going to end soon, started doling out large plots of land to Christian organisations and Churches at throw away prices?
117. Kanchi Shankaracharya is not allowed to perform pooja and eat the food he likes, but Pappu Yadav is allowed all facilities inside Jail, including Mobile phone facility for contacting even Bihar Jail Mantri. Is this equality before law?
118. Muslims convicts in jail are allowed time for Namaz and also given all facilities for observing Ramzan fasting. Then why Kanchi Shankaracharya, only an accused, is denied facilities for performing Puja in jail?
119. Armstrong, the US astronaut, landed in moon in 1969. Since then many astronauts have done so. Can you inform this to your Muslim friend and see whether he admits this fact?
120. Temples are over-crowded in TN. Durga pooja is celebrated on a grand scale in West Bengal. Still in both the states, the God-fearing people vote for atheists. Why?
121. In Hinduism, you find a lot of `Reformers'. Why such reformers are not found in other religions? Do they not need reform?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Definition - Hindu
for more information visit
Click here
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The reason why “Vande Mataram” was rejected as national anthem, by none Other than R. Tagore
"The core of Vande Mataram is a hymn to goddess Durga: this is so plain that there can be no debate about it. Of course Bankimchandra does show Durga to be inseparably united with Bengal in the end, but no Mussulman [Muslim] can be expected patriotically to worship the ten-handed deity as 'Swadesh' [the nation]. This year many of the special [Durga] Puja numbers of our magazines have quoted verses from Vande Mataram - proof that the editors take the song to be a hymn to Durga. The novel Anandamath is a work of literature, and so the song is appropriate in it. But Parliament is a place of union for all religious groups, and there the song cannot be appropriate. When Bengali Mussulmans show signs of stubborn fanaticism, we regard these as intolerable. When we too copy them and make unreasonable demands, it will be self-defeating."
Labels: rabindranath, tagore, vande mataram
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Dr.Rajiv Dixit - भारत माँ का सच्चा बेटा आज हमारे साथ नहीं रहा ! और दुनिया खामोश रही !

On 30th Nov.2010 i got a phone call and learned that Respected Dr.Rajiv bhai Dixit passed away! He was just 43!
I was on the streets of san francisco going to work... was shocked to learn the news and could not believe it.Caller said they do not no for sure but some one in mumbai told them. I browsed blackberry while i was rushing towards the office for any news of Rajiv bhai's demise.Did not find anything, and was hoping that this is a hoax and not true.I came to my cube and searched again from my office computer for Rajiv bhai's death news..and there it was all my fears came true, Rajiv Dixit passed away news!!!
OH MY GOD!! i could not believe it..nothing more to say.
No news in mainstream media, now news on tv, only 2 internet site reported that was it!
भारत माँ का सच्चा बेटा आज हमारे साथ नहीं रहा ! और दुनिया खामोश रही !
There are followers of Rajiv bhai's school of thought..but not as much as there should be.Many Indians do not even know about him and his contribution.
i am a strong man at heart and mind..but i have no shame to say this ... i actually cried today!
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