Monday, February 23, 2009
Muslim passenger from Pakistan abuses Hindu in Malaysian Airlines flight:- ‘She’s a Hindu, I cannot sit beside her
I am a Malaysian currently residing and working in Dubai. On Dec 25, 2008, I flew with Malaysian Airlines flight MH161 to Kuala Lumpur to visit my parents. I was in seat 36H (an aisle seat) and the seat next to me, 36K (window seat) was vacant. The flight stopped over at Karachi for an hour.
In Karachi, more passengers boarded the plane. One male passenger boarded, showed his boarding pass to a stewardess and she pointed to seat beside me (36K). The man looked at me and said, ‘She’s a Hindu, I cannot sit beside her.’ The stewardess responded, ‘So what? What’s wrong with Hindu?’ The man then began to yell and shout that he would not sit next to a Hindu.
The crew insisted that he had to because there were no other seats available because the plane was full. Then this passenger sat down but began to verbally abuse my faith and the crew members. I sat in my seat but was physically cringing away from him. The flight supervisor was summoned and until then the man was still seated next to me. Imagine my shock, horror and fear in being next to a hostile, abusive person.
One steward did stand next to me but did not offer any help and I did not feel safe or reassured. I reached out and told that steward that I did not feel safe anymore. I said this to him softly in English and he told me to sit and wait. He then walked off and a female crew member took his place. All this time I was under the impression that this hostile passenger beside me was a Pakistani.
I then told the stewardess in Malay that this man should not be seated beside me after what he had said about me. There were other Malaysian passengers sitting in the same area and all of them heard me. She smiled and merely nodded.
Finally, the flight supervisor, ‘SB’, approached the passenger and after an angry exchange, the passenger said, ‘Move her then!’ and SB replied, ‘Yes, we will move her’. More angry words were exchanged and it was revealed that the passenger was actually a Malaysian. When this news was revealed, the passenger actually stood up with his fists up, ready to be physically violent. I was then hauled out of my seat and taken to the back of the plane. I was kept in the kitchen.
By this time I had gone into shock and was crying uncontrollably. I was shaking with rage because I was in a position where there was nothing I could do to defend myself. No one else seemed to be doing anything too.
I could not see what was happening from the rear of the plane but I did see uniformed security personnel approaching my original seat. I could not hear or make out what was happening as there was a group of people standing around my original seat. Eventually, the group left and it was announced that the plane would be taking off.
All this time I was in the kitchen, shaking and crying. All that was done for me was crew members taking turns to ask me if I was okay and offering me Coke and water! The plane began to taxi and I was then taken to another seat (42H). As I sat down, I asked the steward, ‘Is he off the plane?’ and the answer was, ‘No.’ I was appalled.
After the plane took off, the flight supervisor, SB, came and sat beside me. He explained to me that they could not put him off the plane because he was a deportee and if they had insisted on putting him off, then the plane would not have been cleared for take off. I was still crying at this point. I asked, ‘Why am I in a different seat? He should be!’ but my question was not answered.
The plane was not full. There were eight seats vacant in the rear, four on the right aisle and four seats on the left. Seat 42H, where I was put, was one of those vacant seats in the rear. If the MAS crew knew there was a deportee boarding, should they not have made arrangements to place him at the rear of the plane? What kind of airline policy allows a deportee to sit beside a female passenger travelling alone?
I spent the next five and a half hours on the flight in tears. I was not able to sleep because I knew that a hostile passenger was only six rows down from me. I was not afraid but in rage. My friends who are reading this would know the kind of person I am. I have always stood up for my rights and for the rights of people whom I love. I would not usually tolerate such abuse and I would not have hesitated in defending myself.
What stopped me was knowing that I was on a plane, in a confined space and that there were other passengers around me too, women and children. The abusive passenger was not removed from the plane and when we landed at KLIA, he disembarked like a normal passenger and was not escorted or arrested. I also disembarked knowing that I was now in the same terminal, on my own, as this hostile passenger.
I am very disappointed with the way MAS dealt with the incident. That passenger should have been taken to the rear of the plane and restrained. I was the victim of the incident yet I lost my chosen seat that I had paid for. Apart from offers of water, Coke and some verbal reassurances, the crew did not do anything else for me.
I have contacted other major airlines and this is how they would have dealt with the matter: I would have been moved to Business/First Class and I would have been escorted into the terminal until I safely exited the airport. MAS did not do anything for me. First of all, they jeopardised my safety and well-being by forcing the passenger to sit beside me knowing that he was hostile towards me and then they did nothing else to keep me safe.
I was in the same cabin as that passenger, wondering if he was going to walk by or pass me. I spent the entire five and a half hours in tears because I could not stand up for my rights and also because I had to keep my own rage pent-up.
Once I landed, I rang my husband in Dubai and related the events to him. He took immediate steps to contact MAS but to no avail. I stayed for one week in Malaysia and every single day, I tried to call their Customer Complaints Department. All I got was a voice mail. I left numerous messages but no one called me back. No one contacted my husband in Dubai. It is only after he put it up on the MAS blog that we have received some kind of response. Fourteen days after the incident, someone from MAS called me to offer an apology.
My husband also received an email from someone who has offered me 25 percent discount on a return flight from KL to Dubai and actually referred to that abusive passenger as a ‘fellow customer’! She also clearly stated that measures taken were to prevent that passenger from getting angrier. So in other words, they do admit that.
These are the questions I posed to MAS:
Why force a passenger who is racially abusive and hostile to my appearance and faith to sit beside me? There were other seats available at the rear as I discovered later.This was not a passenger who was merely fussing about his seat, this was a passenger who was potentially a threat to another passenger.
Why did the flight supervisor immediately give in to his demands and agree to move me? I was not the passenger causing trouble.
Upon retrospect, I think I was lied to. I do not think the passenger was a deportee. It was a lie told to me to keep him on the plane and keep me quiet. If a lie was told, that means that the crew took measures to protect the hostile passenger and themselves but not me, the victim. If so, then the MAS crew perpetuated the racism and discrimination initiated by the passenger.
If this is the case, then the entire crew participated in jeopardising my safety and appropriate action should be taken against them. If the passenger was truly a deportee or an INA (inadmissible because of visa) then the plane captain should have documents about him. If a deportee or INA caused trouble on a flight, the captain should have been informed immediately.
Why was the captain not informed and if he was, why did he not come to see me? I have been informed that KLIA security had been called but there was no one waiting when the plane landed. The abusive passenger disembarked like any other normal passenger. Why was he not nabbed or restrained? Why did not the crew ensure my safety in the terminal too?
I am demanding a formal, written apology from Malaysian Airlines. I want a truthful, reasonable explanation for all the five points I have listed above. I want some compensation for what I suffered. So far, I have only received an e-mail informing that the matter is under investigation.
Posted by jagoindia on February 22, 2009
source :
Labels: dubai, hindu, hinduttva, Hindutva, karachi, malaysian airlines, Terrorism
Thursday, February 19, 2009
“Cows are considered to be sacred due to their utility value to man”
The cow is sacred to Hindus, not due to its utility value, as suggested by the response on the above forum. If that were to be true the buffalo would fit the bill equally.
Moreover it is considered that a cow is the animal having maximum divine qualities thus is worshipped as God Himself and so by killing such an auspicious animal, one incurs sins Thus we should take care of cow and use other products of cow like substances containing cow dung, cow’s urine (gomutra) which gives us maximum sattvikta.
Among all the animals, only cow can capture the frequencies of all the God’s in the Universe thus it is said that a cow has 33 crore Gods in her stomach.
Thus, the cow is sacred due to spiritual, not utilitarian, factors.
Source : Forum for hindu awakening
Labels: 33 crore gods, animal, auspicious, cow, cow worship, cow worshipper, farms, gomutra, indian, milk, Misconception, sacred, sacred cow, sattvikta, why Hindus consider cows among all animals as sacred, why is the cow sacred?, worship cow
Who is Hindu?
If we think of Hinduism in a limited context, we may think of it as a religion and then whoever is born in that religion is considered a Hindu, that is, a Hindu by birth or a JanmaHindu. However, Hindu Dharma is in reality an attitude; it is far more than a religious ideology. This article goes by the definition of Hindu given in the Hindu holy text the 'Merutantra', which essentially shows that to be a Hindu is an attitude.
1. Definition
Sattva, Raja and Tama:
The three subtle basic components of sattva, raja and tama are the very fabric of creation. Unknown to modern sciences, they permeate through all living and non-living, tangible and intangible things. The vibrations emitted by anything are dependent on the predominant subtle basic component. It also influences the behaviour of all things. The proportion of these components in human beings can only be changed by spiritual practice.In the holy text the 'Merutantra', the word ‘Hindu’ is defined as 'Hinani Gunani dushyati iti Hindu' means that which destroys or dushyati the inferior raja-tama components or gunas (subtle spiritual components) Thus, to be a Hindu is to follow a way of life that enhances the spiritually pure sattva component and sattva predominant qualities like love, humility, courage, expansiveness, and overcomes the spiritually impure raja-tama predominant attitudes like anger, attachment, jealousy, greed, lust and pride.
1.1 Hindu by birth and action
One can be a Hindu by his actions (karmas) or birth (Janma).
Karma Hindu -> is a Hindu by his deeds and qualities or spiritual components
Janma Hindu -> is a Hindu by birth.
Since to be a Hindu is an attitude, a KarmaHindu is a true Hindu. He is Hindu by action and thought, a follower of Dharma and spreads Dharma, that is, a sattvik or spiritually pure way of life.
1.2 Saints on who is a Hindu
Sometimes, people who would like to follow the Hindu way of life or be called Hindu, inquire about ritualistic procedures, such as Diksha to convert into Hindu Dharma. We also hear from time to time about people being accepted into Hindu Dharma after such rituals are performed by Hindu Dharma authorities. Here we present some teachings by Hindu Saints on who is a Hindu
His Holiness Sree Gulabrao Maharaj from on who should be called a Hindu:
"One who accepts the Vedas, Vendangas, Puranas and related sects, and one who has been born in a traditionally Hindu family.
One who sincerely accepts the above (the Vedas, Vendangas, Puranas and related sects) is also called a Hindu by initiation (DikshaHindu).
One who does not accept any of the above two, but has only been born to Hindu parents is merely Hindu by birth (Janmaartha Hindu or JanmaHindu).
The best definition is if both factors are present (as in point a. above), but if only one of the factors is present (as in points b. and c. above), I consider the definition of a Hindu by initiation to be superior."
His Holiness Kane Maharaj on the definition of a Hindu:
"One who despises raja-tama predominant, inferior attitudes, and the resulting inferior physical, verbal and mental actions,
One who is immersed in a sattva predominant attitude and hence, one who considers worship of the divine (spiritual practice) as the sole purpose of life and attains God-realization, and
One who follows the matchless path (Karmayoga) to guide society (in spiritual practice)
should be called a Hindu. This is an expansive definition of the word Hindu. Thus, Hindu is a spiritually pure (sattva predominant) attitude. It means to be a seeker (sadhak) of the divine."
Source: forum for hindu awakening
Labels: dharma, diksha, divine, hindu, holy, karma, karmayoga, Know your Dharma, raja, ritual, sadhak, saint, saints, sattva, seeker, spiritual, tama, yoga
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hang Kasab at Gateway!
Mumbai: Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving terrorist in the Mumbai carnage, should be hanged at the Gateway of India to pay a "real tribute" to the martyrs killed while saving lives during the terrorist attacks, daughter of a brave cop Omble's daughter has demanded.
"It would be insulting to our martyrs if Ajmal is let off on humanitarian grounds without any punishment," Vaishali, daughter of Tukaram Ombale who was killed during the terror siege, said in an interview to Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna on Friday.
"Why should he not get punished while my father died fighting Ajmal without thinking about the family?" she asked.
Vaishali also rubbished the arguments about Ajmal being young and, therefore, should not be punished. She said the terrorists have killed nearly 200 innocent people, including 16 policemen.
"In fact, not punishing Ajmal would encourage the terrorist organisations to send even younger ones in the age bracket of 15-16 years with guns to kill more Hindus," she said.
In yesterday's Saamna editorial, Sena chief Bal Thackeray had criticised Kavita, wife of slain Anti Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare, and their daughter for suggesting that Ajmal should be let off on humanitarian grounds, and said the country did not share their stance.
Families of those killed in the terror strikes want Ajmal to be hanged, he had said, adding that only the Karkares have adopted a humanitarian approach and want to prove that they are "different".
Labels: Ajmal Amir Kasab, Azam Amir Kasab, Karkare, kasab, kasav, Mumbai carnage, Terrorism, Tukaram Ombale, vaishali
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Two Muslims inveigling a married Hindu lady arrested in Latur
Police inspector Shri. Sanjay Latkar was handed over a representation by Shivsena Women Front expressing, ‘Stop the Muslims following the said order’. The next day two Muslim youths namely Pasha Vazirsab Sheikh (32) from Vivekanand Chowk and Sayyad Vajid (21) from Bouddhanag were sitting at the Municipal Tourist Centre near Latur City. Alert Hindus there informed the police about it. Around 3.45 pm Deputy Inspector, Shri. R.G. Gadewad arrested the trio.
Labels: convert, hindu, Muslims, New
Monday, February 9, 2009
Say ‘No’ to celebrating Valentine’s Day!
Followers of each sect or religion behave according to their own tenets; but the followers of Hindu Dharma, which boasts of the highest spiritual values and tradition in the world are forgetting their own tenets. They are blindly (and madly) considering the shallow culture of the Westerners as their own. In the Western world, 14th February is treated as ‘Valentine’s Day’. Young girls and boys offer flowers and gifts to each other on this day as a symbol of their love. This craze has spread in Bharat too. Under the pretext of Valentine’s Day, girls and boys indulge in immoral activities and cross the limits of decency and sober social behaviour set by the Hindu culture.
Why perpetuate the memory of a Christian Saint (?) Valentine?
In the third century, King Claudius of Rome (the Second) ordered that the youth should not marry, instead they should enrol in the army. Flouting the order, a priest called Valentine began arranging marriages of young boys and girls in a clandestine manner. The King put him behind bars and awarded him the death penalty. In the prison, the so-called Saint fell in love with the young daughter of a prison officer. A day before he was to be hanged, he sent a slip of paper to the girl – ‘From Valentine, your’s only’. Why should Bharat, a Hindu country, of people who cherish Hindu moral values, perpetuate the memory of a so-called Christian Saint?
Valentine’s Day converts Hindus - intellectually and culturally!
Taking advantage of the suicidal attitude of the Hindus who ape the westerners in just about everything, the modern media and the companies who sell greeting cards are publicising Valentine’s Day (the so-called ‘Love Day’) on a grand scale for selfish motives. This is an intellectual and cultural conversion of the Hindus!
An appeal to the culture-loving, nationalist citizens to protect their own culture!
- To prevent celebration of Valentine’s Day, go to the colleges, meet the Principal, Professors, Trustees and the student representatives and request them to enlighten the youth on this!
- Register protests over the telephone, by meeting personally or by other constitutional means, against colleges which give mute consent for the celebration of Valentine’s Day!
- Distribute pamphlets that Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated!
- Put up posters, display boards about this in the squares of various localities!
- In this regard, enlighten students who attend coaching classes!
Remove in time, the virus of Valentine’s Day that has afflicted the Hindu culture and provide cultural protection to the future generations! Help your children perpetuate your values!
Labels: Degeneration, Protest, valentine, Valentine’s Day, valentines
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Taliban's Threat
Bharat to Islamistan, Mumbai to Muslimabad!
Karachi (Pakistan) - , ‘Dainik Samana' of 12th December carried a news about ‘Pakistan Taliban' warning Bharat as follows - ‘Do not even dream of defeating Pakistan in a war. If you take us on, you will perish. Now our sole agenda is to not make only Kashmir, but the entire Hindustan an Islamic Republic - Islamistan. In the coming 12 years we will circumcise all the citizens of Hindustan and wipe out the name ‘Hindustan' itself from the world map. We will conclude our Jihad only after converting your unholy country into an Islamic Republic of Pakistan'. (Hindus should remember that in 1989, Muslims in Kashmir had issued similar warnings to the Hindus there. However, the Hindus remained under an illusion that when the Government of Bharat, their Hindu brethren in the country and the entire world was on their side, nothing untoward could happen; and they perished under the severe assaults of Muslims. Do not neglect the warnings of these Jihadis today. Remember that the Pro-Muslim Congress Government and Police will not help you. Unite and prepare to tackle them yourselves! - Editor)
Mumbai has been renamed ‘Muslimabad' in this map. This message also confirms that igniting the minds of people in the name of religion is alive in Pakistan. (And in Bharat, the so called ‘secular' people feel nausea at the very word ‘Hindu Dharma'! - Editor)
Labels: Islamic Republic, Islamistan, Jihadis, Muslimabad, New, Pakistan Taliban, Taliban
Lest you Forget the National Wound, with passing Time!
- (Ex.) CM Vilasrao Deshmukh
He said he was taking moral responsibility for the terror attack. (Mr. Deshmukh, in your tenure maximum number of farmers committed suicide, the biggest ever flood in Mumbai took place and the Government's sloppy administration was exposed, maximum number of riots took place. Yet you say you did not leave in disgrace? What is your definition of disgrace? - Editor)
"Such small incidents are expected in a big city like Mumbai!"
- (Ex.) Dy. CM RR Patil
This is what he said after losing 3 IPS officers, 16 constables and 195 innocent people. (In the next elections, remember the Congress which promotes such reckless and thick skinned leaders. - Editor) Some news channels immediately asked people to respond to this statement. Many of them called up the TV channel ‘Zee 24 Hours' and the response was - ‘Kick this Government out.'
"Do not point a finger at Pakistan", rants Mahesh Bhatt!
While giving his reaction to the massacre and mayhem in Mumbai, Mr. Mahesh Bhatt, a film producer, said to India TV, "Do not point a finger at Pakistan for terrorism; because it is also going through a similar situation." (Despite Dy. CM's categorical assertion that there is a Pakistani hand in the terror attack on Mumbai, Mr. Bhatt has audacity to speak in this manner! If Mr. Bhatt has so much love for Pakistan, he is at liberty to go and live in Pakistan! - Editor) He added, "To fight terrorism, both Bharat and Pakistan should make joint efforts." (Seeking the help of Pakistan, who itself is indulging in terrorism in Bharat, means inviting a thief to protect our house! One hardly expects Mr. Bhatt to understand this logic, as his sympathies always lie with the Muslims! - Editor)
"Terror attack in Mumbai is Brahmanical terrorism", say Kolse-Patil and Com. Sonavane!
The terror attack in Mumbai is Brahmanical terrorism and all the non-Brahman communities from all religions should come together to fight against the terrorism of the Brahmans", said Mr. BG Kolse-Patil, ex-Justice and President of Lokshasan Andolan and Com. Vilas Sonavane, executive President. (Today the need for Hindu unity is felt more than ever; however, some anti-social elements like Mr. Kolse-Patil and Com. Sonavane are provoking the masses against the Brahmans! - Editor)
Local Muslims helped terrorists in Mumbai attack!
TNN news agency has quoted some Police sources while stating that local Muslims of Mumbai helped the terrorists in their terror attacks in Mumbai. (From the day the Police took Sadhvi Pradnya Singh into custody in connection with Malegaon bomb blast, all news channels have been vociferous in declaring the existence of ‘Hindu terrorism' and stating which Hindu leaders could be involved in the bomb blast. Now that the role of Muslims has become evident in the biggest ever terrorist attack on our soil, all news channels have conveniently kept quiet. This is the pro-Muslim secularism of the media! - Editor) The lone terrorist arrested in connection with the attack said that local Muslims provided all the help including giving shelter, taking them around Mumbai and giving information about check posts etc. (Hindus! The fact that Muslims are not loyal to this country is becoming evident every now and then. To root out terrorism, it is necessary to find out such anti-national Muslims and punish them. The present pro-Muslim Congress will never do this. If we have to survive, dethrone the Congress in the ensuing elections and elect pro-active Hindus! - Editor)
Pakistani TV channel says Mumbai attack hatched by Hindu Zionists!
Mumbai's attack was actually a plan hatched by ‘Hindu Zionists' and ‘Western Zionists', including the Mossad, said a self-styled Pakistan security expert on a Pakistan news television show. (There is ample evidence that Pakistan is involved in Mumbai terror attack. The Bharatiya Government should force Pakistan to ban such an anti-Hindu Pakistani media channel! - Editor) The Bharatiya Government has done nothing in this matter as yet.
But for the slain Major, not even a dog will visit his house!
"If it had not been (Major) Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have glanced that way." This was how Kerala Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan heaped scorn on the family of NSG Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who was killed in the Mumbai terror attack during commando operations. This ignited a controversy, after smarting under a snub from the father of the angry officer, when he went to Bangalore to offer his condolences. (Shame on the Kerala CM for such words for a brave Bharatiya soldier! Bharatiyas should remember such anti-National politicians & boycott them in the forthcoming elections! - Editor)
The octogenarian Communist Party of India-Marxist leader was turned away from the Bangalore home of Major Sandeep, a Keralite.
Similarly, Sandeep's father literally kicked out Kerala's Home Minister K Balakrishnan from his house for not bothering to attend the funeral of his brave son, and not even sending a condolence message on behalf of the Kerala Government.
Sources close to Mr. Unnikrishnan said he even went to the extent of issuing a threat that he would commit suicide if any politician entered his house. He had told his friends that his son, whose valour was witnessed by the entire country, did not belong to Kerala alone but to the entire Nation. Mr. Unnikrishnan refused to allow Police sniffer dogs into the house when security personnel came there ahead of the Kerala CM's visit to perform their duties. (The earlier the ‘secular' Hindus recognise the Hindu hatred of the Communist party, better it will be for our next generation. - Editor)
Labels: Communist Party of India, Hindu hatred, Hindu terrorism, Hindu Zionists, K Balakrishnan, Kerala Government, Mumbai terror attack, New, R R PATIL, Unnikrishnan, vilasrao deshmukh, VS Achuthanandan
Bleeding and Burning Bharat!
Politicians sleep, Jihadis creep and Bharatiyas weep!
The impotent Congress Government takes 59 hours to finish a handful of terrorists!
Mumbai - It has become quite clear now that the terrorist attack on Mumbai is not limited to a city, but is a war initiated by Pakistan on our land. We have to accept the shameful fact that the war started by the terrorists closely associated with Pakistan, could not be finished by our 2000 strong military men even after 50 hours. The explanation by both, the central and state Ministers that the terrorists could not be killed because of their strategy of holding innocents as hostages is in fact nothing short of impotency. There are plenty of examples where such hostages were freed within a few hours during a lightening operation. For example, the Russian security forces freed the Russian residents held as hostages by Chechnyan terrorists within a day, by entering Chechnya itself. A country like Israel has faced such situations in the past, when Palestinian terrorists slipped into their land; but Israel wiped them out easily and therefore though a tiny land, it dares to stand upright even when surrounded by Islamic Nations.
Bharat's state is exactly the opposite. Therefore, the politicians and the security agencies will have to think about the excuse of their inaction. Today Bharat is overwhelmed by Jihadi terrorism. ‘Secular' politicians here have accepted the rule of Islam.
The same has infected our security machinery too. The Congress in Maharashtra ordered the Police not to allow the display of hoardings depicting killing of Afzal Khan by Shivaji Maharaj, so that the sentiments of Muslims are not hurt. The Police carried out the orders exactly. The Government thus destroyed an ideal example of how to finish terrorism, so essential for the Police. And the result? When the time came to actually face the terrorists, they killed Policemen in the very Maharashtra of Shivaji Maharaj. Not one or two, but sixteen! At least now, be ashamed of the fact that this Congress Government has taught the security agencies such an impotent behaviour!
Bharatiya politicians must follow the example of their counterparts in Israel!
The terrorists who took control of Hotel Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House did not face the resistance of the security agencies for the initial three hours. If such is the negligence about a city, which is supposed to be the financial capital of Bharat, then what will happen to rest of the Nation?
The possibility that tomorrow such terrorists may simultan-eously attack many cities in this country cannot be denied, if a handful of them can attack 12 places in Mumbai at the same time. If the big names in Mumbai's ATS, famous for their anti-terrorist activities, were wiped out so cheaply in their ‘fight' with the terrorists, then what can you say about ordinary mortals in the Police force in the rest of the cities? Therefore, now is the time for serious contemplation on our national security. Do not expect that the Congress Government in a fit of rage against this terrorist attack will hang Afzal, the terrorist who attacked our Parliament or declare war on Pakistan.
Terrorism will never stop unless the land from which these terrorists got the energy to hold Mumbai to ransom and kill over 190 innocents, namely Pakistan, does not receive a ‘tit for tat' in the form of bombing the cities of Karachi or Islamabad and sending thousands of Pakistanis to Allah. Terrorism will not stop if there is no revenge. Israel subdued terrorism in the same way. It is now the turn of Bharat to follow the same path.
Israel had the courage to go after and finish the Germans all over the world, who committed atrocities on the Jews. In the same way, Hindus in Bharat should go after the Muslims who are harassing Hindus with bomb blasts and also find out their supporters amongst the Bharatiya politicians, even if they are hiding in hell. Therefore, Hindus should keep the flame of revenge always kindled.
Attack is the best form of defense!
So long as we do not retaliate with 10 attacks for every attack from Pakistan, and so long as 10 times their civilians do not die, Hindus in Bharat will continue to die! Therefore, only elect politicians who have this kind of courage!
Labels: New
Thursday, February 5, 2009
With People Insecure, why High Security for Leaders?
The victims of the gruesome Mumbai terror attack is a heavy price the people had to pay for the indifference of the leaders, whose prime responsibility is to provide security to the people.
The leaders who cannot provide security to the people have provided tight security for themselves at the expense of the tax-payers! The Constitution has given every citizen a fundamental right to live a secure life, but they are being deprived of the security deliberately!
Why should the people suffer due to the leaders’ security?
Today, the importance of a leader is judged by the number of security men surrounding him; hence the race to extract the highest category of security. Over 60 percent of National Security Guards (NSG) commandos are deployed on personal security duties. It is an obnoxious sight to see that the arrogant Police are cordoning roads through which the leaders will pass with a posse of security guards, putting the people to great inconvenience. People are fed up of all this. Some leaders intentionally create adversaries by their irresponsible statements and thereafter seek state protection for personal safety. We have situations in which the leader of one party apprehends a threat from one party and demands Government protection, while the leader of the other party seeks similar security fearing attack by the first party. This is a misfortune of our country!
Follow the example of Denmark!
A few years ago, while on a visit to Denmark a Bharatiya tourist saw the Queen of Denmark doing her weekly shopping of household requirements in a Mall. She was accompanied by a solitary maid. The Queen was picking up required items from the shelves and the maid was pushing the cart. No posse of security guards or the paparazzi of media!
Amazed at it, the Bharatiya tourist quizzed his local guide. The reply was quite an eye-opener - “If a ruler needs protection from his own subjects, he might as well relinquish his chair. Why should citizens pay for the security of a leader who feels insecure amongst his own people? Only devious leaders feel threatened and Denmark can do without them.”
Why commandos for security of leaders?
While they seem unable to protect ordinary people from terrorist attacks, the politicians spend hundreds of crores of tax-payers money to protect themselves. Over Rs. 250 crore is spent on VIP protection - including VIPs like Deve Gowda, Amar Singh, Ram Vilas Paswan, Sajjan Kumar, BL Joshi, RL Bhatia, Sharad Yadav, Rameshwar Thakur, E Ahmad and Pramod Tiwari. Most of these worthies are said to be facing little real risk. It is also questionable whether lakhs of rupees should be spent on the protection of some others, like Sajjan Kumar, who have murder cases against them. The NSG, set up in 1984 for anti-hijack and anti-terror operations, has two wings – the Special Action Group (SAG), comprising of army personnel on deputation, and the Special Rangers Group (SRG), comprising of personnel from the ITBP, CISF, CRPF, BSF and SSB. More than half of SRG has been diverted to VIP security. How far is it correct that the commandos who have been trained to fight at the time of terrorist attacks be assigned the job of protecting the leaders?
Why does the Gandhi family feel insecure in Bharat?
The Special Protection Group (SPG) has been set up exclusively for providing security to the Gandhi family members, the Prime Minister and former Prime Ministers. Interestingly, the SPG budget for 2008-09 is Rs. 180 crore, up from Rs. 117 crore the previous year, while the 2008-09 budget for NSG, which is meant to protect over a billion people from terror, is Rs. 158 crore as against Rs.159 crore for the previous year.
The total expenditure on the security of the Gandhi family and the present and former Prime Ministers is more than that for the protection of the entire population of the country! Is the Gandhi family more important than 120 crore population of the country?
Why Z+ only? Assign Army for leaders’ security!
The VIP security is classified into five levels - Special Protection Group is the highest level, followed by the Z-plus, Z, Y and X categories. Z-plus security is provided by NSG consisting of six ‘black cat commandos’, two head constables, 12 constables, one escort and one pilot vehicle.
Thirty politicians including Mayavati, Jayalalitha, Amar Singh, Ram Vilas Paswan and Narendra Modi are provided this cover. Sixty-eight VIPs get Z category protection, 243 get Y category and 81 X category. Alongwith the SPG and NSG, the state Police are also deployed for the security of VIPs. In Delhi alone, a whopping 14,200 Policemen have been deployed for the security of VIPs. The Delhi High Court has passed a stricture, “Politicians are not national assets that need to be protected.” From this, the politicians should realise the import of the Court’s say!
True protection lies in total uprooting of terrorists!
People have to unnecessarily undergo untold harassment due to the security of leaders. Even the huge expenditure on their security is made out of the tax-payers money. Stop providing security to leaders merely to boost their importance or fancy! Provide security only to those on whom the Damocles’ sword of terrorists is hanging!
Though it is the first step of defence against the terrorists to provide security to the people, it is imperative to attack the root of terrorism and destroy it. To make this possible, leaders with the fire of nationalism burning in their heart should be in power!
(Ref: ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’)
Labels: Amar Singh, BL Joshi, Deve Gowda, E Ahmad and Pramod Tiwari, Ram Vilas Paswan, Rameshwar Thakur, RL Bhatia, Sajjan Kumar, Sharad Yadav, Terrorism, terrorists
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Protest movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'

What is wrong in this film ?
- The film shows that Hindus attacks Muslim area shouting 'They're Muslims, get them' and starts hitting Muslims and Muslims were running away. Hindus killing and burning Muslims which gives message that Hindus are cruel and kill Muslims now and then by attacking in mobs.
- Jamal sees Lord Ram and his facial expressions are tense. It shows that Lord Ram is some one like terrorist. The child in the form of Lord Rama is shown very horrible. Facial expressions and the pose taken by child dressed like God Rama is very skeptical at that situation.
- All characters in this film are Muslims except a few like, begger boy Arvind, Game show host Prem Kumar and Jamal’s girlfriend Latika.
- As per the news, Muslim boys are paid to lure Hindu Girls. In this film Jamal, a Muslim boy is shown very kind to Hindu girl. This is part of international conspiracy against Hindu culture.
- Hindu boy Arvind was made blind and begger. Again why not Salim, Shaik, Omar?
[polldaddy poll=1338627]
Labels: Protest, Slumdog, Slumdog Millionaire
Monday, February 2, 2009
What the Islamic Invaders Did to India
On the anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition (December 6, 1992), it is important or Hindus (and Muslims) to understand the importance of the event in the context of Hindustan's history, past and recent, present and the future.
Savages at a very low level of civilisation and no culture worth the name, from Arabia and west Asia, began entering India from the early century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished countless Hindu temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and idols, plundered innumerable palaces and forts of Hindu kings, killed vast numbers of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women. This story, the educated-and a lot of even the illiterate Indians-know very well. History books tell it in remarkable detail. But many Indians do not seem to recognise that the alien Muslim marauders destroyed the historical evolution of the earth's most mentally advanced civilisation, the most richly imaginative culture, and the most vigorously creative society.
It is clear that India at the time when Muslim invaders turned towards it (8 to 11th century) was the earth's richest region for its wealth in precious and semi-precious stones, gold and silver, religion and culture, and its fine arts and letters. Tenth century Hindustan was also too far advanced than its contemporaries in the East and the West for its achievements in the realms of speculative philosophy and scientific theorising, mathematics and knowledge of nature's workings. Hindus of the early medieval period were unquestionably superior in more things than the Chinese, the Persians (including the Sassanians), the Romans and the Byzantines of the immediate proceeding centuries. The followers of Siva and Vishnu on this subcontinent had created for themselves a society more mentally evolved-joyous and prosperous too-than had been realised by the Jews, Christians, and Muslim monotheists of the time. Medieval India, until the Islamic invaders destroyed it, was history's most richly imaginative culture and one of the five most advanced civilisations of all times.
Look at the Hindu art that Muslim iconoclasts severely damaged or destroyed. Ancient Hindu sculpture is vigorous and sensual in the highest degree-more fascinating than human figural art created anywhere else on earth. (Only statues created by classical Greek artists are in the same class as Hindu temple sculpture). Ancient Hindu temple architecture is the most awe-inspiring, ornate and spell-binding architectural style found anywhere in the world. (The Gothic art of cathedrals in France is the only other religious architecture that is comparable with the intricate architecture of Hindu temples). No artist of any historical civilisation have ever revealed the same genius as ancient Hindustan's artists and artisans.
Their minds filled with venom against the idol-worshippers of Hindustan, the Muslims destroyed a large number of ancient Hindu temples. This is a historical fact, mentioned by Muslim chroniclers and others of the time. A number of temples were merely damaged and remained standing. But a large number-not hundreds but many thousands-of the ancient temples were broken into shreds of cracked stone. In the ancient cities of Varanasi and Mathura, Ujjain and Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi and Dwarka, not one temple survives whole and intact from the ancient times.
The wrecking of Hindu temples went on from the early years of the 8th century to well past 1700 AD a period of almost 1000 years. Every Muslim ruler in Delhi (or Governor of Provinces) spent most of his time warring against Hindu kings in the north and the south, the east and the west, and almost every Muslim Sultan and his army commanders indulged in largescale destructions of Hindu temples and idols. They also slaughtered a lot of Hindus. It is easy to conclude that virtually every Hindu temple built in the ancient times is a perfect work of art. The evidence of the ferocity with which the Muslim invaders must have struck at the sculptures of gods and goddesses, demons and apsaras, kings and queens, dancers and musicians is frightful. At so many ancient temples of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, for example, shattered portions of stone images still lie scattered in the temple courtyards. Considering the fury used on the idols and sculptures, the stone-breaking axe must have been applied to thousands upon thousands of images of hypnotic beauty.
Giving proof of the resentment that men belonging to an inferior civilisation feel upon encountering a superior civilisation of individuals with a more refined culture, Islamic invaders from Arabia and western Asia broke and burned everything beautiful they came across in Hindustan. So morally degenerate were the Muslim Sultans that, rather than attract Hindu "infidels" to Islam through force of personal example and exhortation, they just built a number of mosques at the sites of torn down temples-and foolishly pretended they had triumphed over the minds and culture of the Hindus. I have seen stones and columns of Hindu temples incorportated into the architecture of several mosques, including the Jama Masjid and Ahmed Shah Masjid in Ahmedabad; the mosque in the Uparkot fort of Junagadh (Gujarat) and in Vidisha (near Bhopal); the Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra right next to the famous dargah in Ajmer-and the currently controversial Bhojshala "mosque" in Dhar (near Indore). Hindu culture was at its imaginative best and vigorously creative when the severely-allergic- to-images Muslims entered Hindustan. Islamic invaders did not just destroy countless temples and constructions but also suppressed cultural and religious practices; damaged the pristine vigour of Hindu religion, prevented the intensification of Hindu culture, debilitating it permanently, stopped the development of Hindu arts ended the creative impulse in all realms of thought and action, damaged the people's cultural pride, disrupted the transmission of values and wisdom, cultural practices and tradition from one generation to the next; destroyed the proper historical evolution of Hindu kingdoms and society, affected severely the acquisition of knowledge, research and reflection and violated the moral basis of Hindu society. The Hindus suffered immense psychic damage. The Muslims also plundered the wealth of the Hindu kingdoms, impoverished the Hindu populace, and destroyed the prosperity of Hindustan.
Gaze in wonder at the Kailas Mandir in the Ellora caves and remember that it is carved out of a solid stone hill, an effort that (inscriptions say) took nearly 200 years. This is art as devotion. The temple built by the Rashtrakuta kings (who also built the colossal sculpture in the Elenhanta caves off Mumbai harbour) gives proof of the ancient Hindus' religious fervor. But the Kailas temple also indicated a will power, a creative imagination, and an intellect eager to take on the greatest of artistic challenges.
The descendants of those who built the magnificent temples of Bhojpur and Thanjavur, Konark and Kailas, invented mathematics and brain surgery, created mindbody disciplines (yoga) of astonishing power, and built mighty empires would almost certainly have attained technological superiority over Europe.
It is not just for "political reasons" that Hindus want to build grand temples at the sites of the (wrecked) Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, the Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi, and the Mathura idgah. The efforts of religion-intoxicate d and politically active Hindus to rebuild the Ram Mandir, the Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, and the Krishna Mandir are just three episodes m a one-thousand year long Hindu struggle to reclaim their culture and religion from alien invaders.
The demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya on 6 December 1992 was just one episode in the millennial struggle of the Hindus to repossess their religion-centered culture and nation. Meanwhile, hundreds of ancient Hindu temples forsaken all over Hindustan await the reawakening of Hindu cultural pride to be repaired or rebuilt and
restored to their original, ancient glory.
Rizwan Salim is a reviewer of New York Tribune, Capitol Hill reporter, assistant editor of American Sentinel.
Source: islam-
Labels: Ayodhya, Babri Masjid, Category, Christians, demolition, Ellora caves, Hindu temples, Invaders, Islamic, Jama Masjid, Jews, Kashi Vishwanath Mandir, Muslim, Ram Mandir, Rizwan Salim
Cast your Vote for a Candidate who is Ethical and who will look after Hindu Interests!
Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters,
The politicians who we Bharatiyas so confidently handed over the reigns of our country to after Independence, have made it worthless. We have experienced extreme deterioration of our country over the last 61 years, even though political parties of all hues were given a chance to rule.
The Nation has deteriorated because of Adharmi (unright-eous) politicians! In the first part of this article, we saw an overview of the present pathetic situation and also learnt what kind of candidates we should not vote for. Now, onto giving a serious thought to who should we vote for!
Vote in favour of the following candidates!
1. Non-corrupt, of good character and those who pay their taxes sincerely
2. Those who fulfill all the promises given during their election campaign
3. Those who celebrate their family programmes like marriage, birthday in a simple manner and donate the saved money for the cause of the Nation and Dharma
4. Those who always keep in mind - “I am not the master of the people but their servant”, and while doing their duty unfailingly also teach the people qualities - discipline, sacrifice, pride in the Nation and Dharma
5. Those who strive to correct the mistakes and heretic curriculum in the text books
6. Those who put efforts to see that the administrative work is carried out in the regional language and all public boards are displayed in a regional language. Those who will take firm steps towards avoiding of unnecessary importance to English language
7. Those who promise that the administration, Police and Armed forces will have only those who love Dharma
8. Those who vow to bring in a Common Civil Code which will consider all caste and religions with a neutral attitude
9. Those who are constantly active for the cause of Hindutva and those who promise to safeguard Hindu Dharma in their election manifesto
10. Those who run to the rescue of Hindus in conditions such as riots, and defend them
11. Those who try in every way to prevent denigration of Hindu Dharma, Deities, Holy texts of Hindus, and the National heroes
12. Those who clearly mention in their manifesto that they will bring stringent laws like banning of cow-slaughter and religious conversions
13. Those who will fight for the welfare of Hindus in Parliament, Legislative Assemblies and Municipalities
14. Those who will try to stop the glorification of such anti- Hindus like Aurangzeb, Afzal Khan and Akbar
15. Those who will promise to introduce stringent laws to finish off terrorism and Naxalism
16. Those who promise in their manifesto that once they are elected to the office, they will punish all the politicians who have delayed the execution of Mohammed Afzal, those who have weakened anti-terrorist laws and the politicians who do not throw out the Bangladesh infiltrators
Labels: New
Anti-Bharatiya Muslims in Bharat Support Jihad!
Slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ and ‘Islam Zindabad’ rent the air during the procession at night. (Hindus! To start with, let there be an absolute boycott on the Muslims for being loyal to the enemy country! – Editor)
One Policeman was seen dancing in the same procession, after removing his uniform. (These are the Policemen in the secular regime of the Congress, who have respect for such Muslims! Will they ever protect the Hindus during Hindu-Muslim riots? Hindus, prepare yourself for self-defence, instead of relying on the Police force for this! – Editor)
The Muslims celebrating ‘Sonemiya Yatra’ caused damage to a board displayed on the way, which carried a quote from Shivaji Maharaj and also desecrated the statue of Bhagat Singh. (Hindus only are responsible for this state of affairs, since they tolerate the desecration caused to their pillars of faith! – Editor)
A Deputy Inspector of Police, Mr. Dnyaneshwar Karpe lodged a case against Raju Nawab Sheikh and Issar Sattar Sheikh for this. (We congratulate Mr. Dnyanesh-war Karpe for the action! – Editor)
Labels: Dnyaneshwar Karpe, faith, hindu, hindus, Issar Sattar, jihad, Muslims, New, Sheikh, terrorists
Muslims stop train, attack Hindus! Repeat of Godhra?
When the train reached that railway crossing, the Muslim travellers stopped the train by pulling the chain. (Hindus should establish a Government which has pro-Hindu policies; they should prepare to teach a lesson to such rude Muslims and bring them to their senses! – Editor)
A mob of about 200-300 Muslims entered the train and started beating the Hindus badly. (How do hundreds of Muslims gather as soon as they are contacted? Hindus suffer at the hands of the Muslims and nourish the Muslims too - this is the Mughal rule of the Congress! – Editor) This went on for 15 minutes. (It is very shameful that when Hindus suffer at the hands of Muslims, the other Hindus present quietly watch without coming to their aid. These Hindus should remember that it was the turn of their brethren this time; but those who watched quietly will also suffer sooner or later. Hindus should remain alert henceforth; they should be prepared to face the Muslims before confronting them! – Editor) When someone informed the Police of what was happening in the train, the Muslim attackers ran away before their arrival; hence no crime was registered against anyone.
Seduce Hindu girls and convert them to Islam!
Labels: hindu, islam, New, seduce
Noticed while browsing the internet,there has been lot of misconception and hatred has been slapped on Hindu Dharma.
Numerous blogs and posts have been floating around describing how Hindus have actively involved in terrorist activities and how they are supporting terrorist activities in india.
These posts and blogs,are trying to display how people who are practicing Islam and Christianity are slammed because practicing Hinduism and by Hindu activitists in India
Some of the ignorant Hindu's too,are joining hand with such blogs and posts displaying secularism,which simply a myth.On this blog we will do a amalgamation of posts from the internet.One place to voice your opinion Hindus!
Contact me here
Labels: hinduttva, Hindutva, New, terrorists
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